Wednesday 19 March 2014

Best, Must have cydia sources/repos

cydia repos
Cydia is the main reason why people jailbreak their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and with its presence on iOS 7, the jailbreak community is thriving once again. Cydia cannot be complete without the work done by developers and repositories that host their work. So to make your Cydia experience better you need to add a few extra repositories so you get the most out of your jailbroken device.
In this post we are going to list the must have Cydia repos that you should add right now. If you don’t know how to add a repo in Cydia then try this guide here.


This repository comes pre-loaded with Cydia and hosts thousands of new and old jailbreak tweaks, apps, themes and more. It comes pre-installed in Cydia.
BigBoss Repo URL:


Another important Cydia repo that jailbreakers cannot live without. ModMyi is known for the themes that are hosted on this repository in addition to other jailbreak related stuff. It comes pre-installed in Cydia.
ModMyi Repo URL:


iF0rce serves a variety of hacks for your iOS devices. It is particularly known for AirBlue Sharing tweak that allowed iOS users to share stuff via Bluetooth.
iF0rce Repo URL:

Ryan Petrich’s repo

One of the most well known iOS Jailbreak developer Ryan Petrich’s repo is a must have for anyone looking for fresh and super useful tweaks.
Ryan Petrich’s repo url:

FilippoBiga’s  Beta Repo

Just like Ryan Petrich, Filippo Biga also develops great jailbreak tweaks and he hosts them on his beta repo.
Filippo Biga’s Repo url:

ZodTTD’s Beta Repo

The ZodTTD repo comes pre-installed on Cydia but if you want to try out tweaks and other stuff when it is in beta then the ZodTTD’s repo beta is for you.
ZodTTD’s Beta repo url:


Pushfix repo url:

iHacksRepo (no longer available)

iHacksrepo repo url:

HackYouriPhone repo

HackYouriPhone Repo url:

iHackstore (no longer available)

iHackStore Repo url:

HASHBANG Productions

Hashbang repo url:


Insanelyi Repo url:

Sinful iPhone Repo

Sinful iPhone Repo url:

XSellize repo

XSellize Repo url:

iSpazio Repo

iSpazio Repo url:

BiteYourApple repo

BiteYourApple Repo url:
Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments section  below.

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